Saturday, August 16, 2008

What to do on a hot day in Phoenix?

We visited the ten grandchildren in Phoenix last week and found ourselves with a very hot afternoon with nothing to do. Big surprise in Arizona! FYI for moms or grandmothers in the same situation. Rush right over to Sam's Club and buy the paper airplane book. Contained therein are specialty papers with the fold lines imprinted and there are detailed directions to go with. We folded and practiced piloting and then we had the Olympics of Paper Airplanes. What fun we had gliding and crash bombing them across the room and down the hall. We even had an around the "world" event. Congratulations to EJ, Jackson, Davis and Brooke. Perhaps we have some future pilots aboard.

1 comment:

Church Fam said...

those kids are pretty lucky to have such a fun grandma.