Wednesday, August 27, 2008

See You Later Alligator, After A While Crocodile

I'm not sure if alligators in the water are a big problem in Birundi, all I know is Stela isn't taking any chances. Even though she has splashed in our swimming pool a good part of the summer, she often straps on not one, but three life jackets (just in case.) After she has them securely fastened she will dive in and boy, let me tell you, she is buoyant! She pops up out of the water, barely getting wet. The cutest scene of all is when this little seven year old, three deep in life preservers, acts as the chief lifeguard for her three-year old sister, Aline. She is continually watching to make sure Aline doesn't float too far away from the stairs. Aline, surprisingly, is content with just one life jacket. But then she has Stela to keep her safe.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Kathy, I am so glad that you posted about Stella, I have been wondering how she is doing. I really miss the Holladay 24th Ward. You are so great.